About admin

Meet Ogbeide Frank, also known as Perere, a blogger passionate about finance and technology. He studied Business Administration at Ambrose Alli University in Ekpoma and Mobile Communication at Orange College in Malaysia. Frank has experience working as a banker and consultant for various agencies in Nigeria. For advertisement, content marketing, and sponsored posts, you can reach him at kokobest04@gmail.com.
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8 thoughts on “How to check Union Bank account balance and statement of account

  1. I’ve been dialing 826 since last year that I opened my account ….yet it keep telling me sorry I should try again later

  2. visit any union bank branch close to you ask them for TNS form .Tell them you want to update your phone number for transaction notification service

  3. l am using a savings account and someone transferred money to a current account to my account details.how can l access the money when am not using current account.it has been since yesterday,l haven’t seen any credit alert

  4. Help and transfer the money from the current account to my savings account.
    Please help me out

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