Bank of America's Routing Numbers

How and List of Bank of America’s Routing Numbers

Last Updated on July 1, 2024 by admin

You will understand Bank Of America Routing Numbers For Local & International Wire Transfer after reading this article. you will also understand how to Bank of America Routing Number on a Check and online banking .

Bank of America routing numbers play a crucial role in facilitating seamless financial transactions for customers. These unique nine-digit codes are assigned to each bank to identify financial institutions during transactions like direct deposits, wire transfers, and electronic payments.

Understanding how routing numbers work and knowing where to find them is essential for anyone conducting banking activities with Bank of America

In this article, we will delve into the significance of routing numbers, explore various methods to locate them, provide a comprehensive list of Bank of America routing numbers by state.

Bank Of America Routing Numbers For Local & International Wire Transfer


Bank of America Wire Transfer Numbers

Wire transfer 026009593

Bank of America’s SWIFT code BOFAUS3N should be used for incoming wires in U.S. dollars.

Bank of America’s SWIFT code BOFAUS6S should be used for incoming wires in foreign currency.

If you do not know or are unsure of the type of currency being received please use BOFAUS3N.

To find your account number and wire transfer routing number, Log in to Online Banking, select your desired account and then select the Information & Services tab


How To Find Your Bank of America Routing Number Online

You can find the Bank of America routing number online by:

1. Checking the state in the US in which you need to make payments. See the routing number by state.
2.Use Bank of America ABA Routing or mobile app. Note that you will need to provide the state zip code to determine the rate and fee.
3.Check or statement issued by Bank of America

How To Find Your Bank of America Routing Number on a Check

To find your Bank of America routing number on your check, all you need to do is see the “bottom-left corner” of your check.

The routing number on a check for most banks in the U.S. is situated at the bottom-left corner, followed by an account number and a check number

boa check



Bank of America Routing Numbers – All States

State      Routing number
1.Alabama 051000017
2.Alaska 051000018
3.Arizona 122101706
4.Arkansas 082000073
5.California 121000358
6.Colorado 123103716
7.Connecticut 011900254
8.Delaware 031202084
9.District of Columbia 054001204
10. Florida (East) 063100277/

11.Florida (West) 063100277
12.Georgia 061000052
13.Hawaii 051000017
14.Idaho 123103716
15.Illinois (North) 071000505
16.Illinois (South) 081904808
17.Illinois, Chicago Metro 081904808/
18.Indiana 071214579
19.Iowa 0073000176
20,Kansas 101100045

21.Kentucky 051000017
22.Louisiana 051000017
23.Maine 011200365
24.Maryland 052001633
25.Massachusetts 011000138
26.Michigan 072000805
27.Minnesota 071214579
28.Mississippi 051000017
29.Missouri (East) 081000032/
30.Missouri (West) 081000033

31.Montana 051000017
32.Nebraska 051000017
33.Nevada 122400724
34.Hampshire 011400495
35.New Jersey 021200339
36.New Mexico 107000327
37.New York 021000322
38.North Carolina 053000196
39.North Dakota 051000017
40.Ohio 051000017

41.Oklahoma 103000017
42.Oregon 323070380
43.Pennsylvania 031202084
44.Rhode Island 011500010
45.South Carolina 053904483
46.South Dakota 051000017
47.Tennessee 064000020
48.Texas (North) 111000025
48.Texas (South) 111000025/
50.Utah 051000017

51.Vermont 051000017
52.Virginia 051000017
53.Washington 125000024
54.West Virginia 051000017
55.Wisconsin 051000017
56.Wyoming 051000017

Q: What is a routing number?

A: A routing number is a nine-digit code that identifies a financial institution in the United States. It’s used to process ACH transfers (direct deposits, bill payments) and wire transfers.

Q: Does Bank of America have different routing numbers?

A: Yes, Bank of America has multiple routing numbers that vary depending on the state where the account was opened and the type of transaction.

Q: How do I find my Bank of America routing number?

A: You can find your Bank of America routing number in the following ways:

  • On a check: It’s the first nine digits located at the bottom left corner.
  • Bank statement: Your routing number is listed on your monthly statement.
  • Online banking or mobile app: Log in and navigate to your account details.
  • Bank of America website: Visit the FAQ page on routing numbers.
  • Customer service: Call Bank of America customer service.

Q: What is the routing number for wire transfers?

A: The routing number for domestic and international wire transfers to Bank of America accounts is 026009593.

Q: What is the difference between ACH and wire transfer routing numbers?

A: ACH routing numbers are used for electronic funds transfers within the United States, while wire transfer routing numbers are used for domestic and international wire transfers.

Q: Is there a list of all Bank of America routing numbers?

A: Yes, you can find a list of Bank of America routing numbers by state on the bank’s website or through third-party financial websites.

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