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How to apply for Polaris Bank Payday Loan and Salary Advance

Last Updated on July 1, 2024 by admin

Do you have any financial needs that can’t wait before your next pay day loan? also is your salary account domicile with Polaris bank? If yes you can apply for a Payday loan and salary advance which will enable you to get fast cash so you offset your bills before your next salary


With Polaris bank Payday Loan and salary advance, eligible customers   can borrow money at a low interest rate with no documentation or collateral. The credit facility  is an instant package designed  for  (both salary and non-salary earners).

This service as a Quick access to funds for bridging short-term funding gap and you can Access up 50% of monthly net income upfront

Also read: All Polaris bank ussd code for mobile financial transfer

 Polaris bank payday  and salary Advance  Interest Rate

The interest rate for Polaris bank payday and salary advance is 2.5% flat, which shall be subject to review from time to time in line with the prevailing money market condition.



The Polaris bank salary advance and payday loan management fees is 1% flat subject to the bank approval and market condition.



The loan life insurance  is 0.5% flat of the borrowed amount bust subject to market condition



The polaris bank salary advance and Payday loan repayment will be deducted from your monthly salary account that is domiciled with the bank or any BVN linked accounts in any Bank payable via Remita from source.



This facility shall commence on the date of disbursement. This loan is repayable on the next Pay Day or 30days after (whichever comes first).

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Polaris bank Payday Loan collateral

You can pledge  the follow as security for your loan :

1. Irrevocable Domiciliation of Salary
2. Credit life insurance covering the risk of death/disability, and loss of job of the Borrower.
3. Undertaking to deduct repayments at salary source and subsequently remit to the Bank.


Who is eligible for Polaris bank payday loan

1. To qualify for Polaris bank salary advance or payday loan, borrower must be in employment of reputable organizations in both private and public sectors
2.Your salary account must be domiciled with Polaris Bank
3. You must be 18 year to 58 years during the loan tenure

Read: How to Enroll/Register Polaris Bank “VULTe” Mobile App


How do I Apply for Polaris bank Payday loan

To apply for Polaris bank salary advance and payday loan , Just dial *833*12# from your mobile phone that is linked to your account and follow the instructions to access OR Call Polaris Yes Center on 0700-7652747, 08069880000, 01-4482100 or 01-2705850.

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