How to get loan for your Small Business-Things You need to know

Last Updated on July 1, 2024 by admin

Getting a loan for small businesses is not an easy task to accomplish, Every business needs finance to start up, manage and expand, no matter how big or small. However, large businesses are usually more advantaged when it comes to getting bank loans due to a long-standing credibility.

banks offer the lowest interest rates and are trustworthy lenders. Although in Africa, more than 65% of bank loan applications from small businesses are not approved, and many small business owners give up after two or three unsuccessful applications, you can learn from every turned down application, re-strategize and reapply.

Tips to help you get the next loan you apply

1. Do you really need a Bank Loan?

Most small business owners make the mistake of asking Banks for money at the earliest stage of their business. A reputable financial institution is less likely to invest in a business that has not tested the waters. For startups, do not you really need a loan? Building your business to a particular stage gives you a better idea of how much more you need to put in, not forgetting that with bank interest rates, your business can go bankrupt if it does not make a profit and in time.

2. Know the type of loan you can easily access

Basically, there are two main types of small business loans: overdrafts and term loans. An overdraft allows you to withdraw money from your bank account than you currently have. A perfect example is the GTSalary Advance platform. This scheme dispenses loans [of not more than 50% of their monthly salary] to working class individuals with short term capital needs. An overdraft is usually flexibility with a pay-as-you-go interest rate. On the other hand, a term loan starts to accrue interest from the moment you receive it; whether you use it or not. It is a high risk loan and is best for long-term projects.

3. Study your Prospective Investor

Your business needs to be in line with the interests and goals of the financial investor you plan to approach. Some banks invest only in large scale businesses, therefore might see your business as too small a fish to fry. Also, your business might meet all the requirements needed by the bank except one, which you probably missed out during your background study of the bank. Know your investor thoroughly before you present your business to them.

4. Write a detailed Business plan

Your business idea is as good as it looks on paper, every detail counts. Your business plan is required to be well-informing and convincing, with facts and figures to back up your projections. Make it simple, understandable, realistic and let your plan answer questions like;

i.What is your business about?
ii.Is there a market for it?
iii.What is your unique selling points and marketing plans?
iWhat background and experience do you have to make the business work?
What will the loan be used for?

5. Include Financial Records

Banks are interested in investing in businesses with good credit history; they want to see your money management skills. If you don’t have any in your records or a shabbily done account records, you might just have another NO staring back at you. Present clear and genuine financial records to stand a better chance. You can also add a purchase order [if you have any] as proof that people are interested in patronizing your business.

6. Offer a collateral

Financial institutions often insist that the value of the collateral you pledge is the same value (or more) of the amount you are applying for. This is usually a challenge for most small business owners but can be handled if you are a credible individual/company. Note that using your property as collateral for a loan should be a carefully thought-out decision.

7. Back your application up with a Guarantor

Your application will require a guarantor, who would be held responsible by the bank, in a case where you do not meet up with the payment plans. Having a guarantor assures the bank that the risk is worth a try and increases your chances of getting a loan.



About admin

Meet Ogbeide Frank, also known as Perere, a blogger passionate about finance and technology. He studied Business Administration at Ambrose Alli University in Ekpoma and Mobile Communication at Orange College in Malaysia. Frank has experience working as a banker and consultant for various agencies in Nigeria. For advertisement, content marketing, and sponsored posts, you can reach him at
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